Where did the Punchers go?

One of the requests for personnel that we are very busy about in this period concerns the search for specialized drillers.

Drillers are operators of drilling probes and must be able to perform operations such as micropiles, tie rods, tunnel insertions and jet grouting.

Why are professionals hard to find?

We would like to tell that the scarcity of these professionals is due to the departure of many jobs at the same time; unfortunately this is not the case.

The first real reason is that there are fewer and fewer specialists.

For 15 years, no major infrastructure works have been carried out in Italy. This slowdown is not allowing an adequate placement of young people who can learn the secrets of these processes.

Listen to Vittorio Massimo Borgo’s video about this problem.

How do you become a perforator?

Having drilling machines license is obviously a prerequisite. But it is by no means enough to approach using a probe to drill and consolidate soil.

Many believe that the use of these complex machines can be easily learned, unfortunately this is not the case, and we have proof of it every time we meet some experienced perforator who tries to sell themselves as an expert in drilling.

Many years of on-site experience and coaching are required in which the youngs, with sacrifice, must learn the technique of the many processes that make up the geotechnical engineering system.

When you start drilling you need to know the probe, the equipment and the terrain you are operating on. These skills are assimilated with adequate training and a proven training.

Why are training courses important?

Economic development will require the construction of new infrastructures and skilled labor will be a critical resource for the recovery and growth of our sector.

What must therefore be the goal of a valid training project?

  • Insert highly motivated young people in the construction sector;
  • Train young talent and not burden company costs;
  • Provide companies with young people who have the fundamental theoretical – practical notions necessary to be operational on site right away.

What are the benefits?

For workers: acquiring the basic skills useful to be  hired by one of the sponsoring companies.

For the company: workers trained by sector specialists and the reduction of training costs. Training is a type of “intangible” investment, which must give value to people so that a trained person, that is, prepared, is the best that an organization can have.

Nel lungo termine le perforIn the long run, better performance depends on better trainingmance migliori dipendono da una formazione migliore

(Peter Michael Senge

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